Pixelscape: Focus on Macro Imaging
download “Macro-Imaging: Photo Investigation. Document A”
download “Macro-Imaging: Photo Investigation. Document B”
The cutting-edge technique of macro-imaging has helped expand beyond the limits of perception. By getting close and personal with our own selves, one can get an eagle-eye view of the overall landscape, and thus make better judgements in picking appropriate direction of research. In this photo essay, we document detailed and intimate views of the components of our body matter. Two presentations, and several info sheets were created to navigate through this investigation in systematic way. These documents are both the outcome of our inquiry and a catalyst to your personal quests.
Have you noticed how ‘personal’ creeps up in this conversation? It is the curious and relativistic problem of scale. The smaller the area of focus is, the closer we feel to the matter at hand, the more personal it seems. Perception of detail then erases the detail itself. After coming into focus, this detail is no longer insignificant peripheral nothing, but central matter laden with meaning and purpose. This tension is the vibration that creates the personal in subject matter. Anything can become personal, if one pays attention and makes it so. (schematic?)
Thus, we start with the idea of focus and scale. And we focus closely on an important unit of social universe, the self. (Re)focusing on scale of self, of the relationship of its components to its whole, can be done any number of ways. In this investigation, we have chosen to root our methodology in empirical approach, paying attention to the physical, but understanding physical to be manifestation of larger universal relationships. You can see Carvae’s process breakdown here (link to …).
Repositioning components into new arrangements and in this way creating new relationships, is a common process to start sketching out an inquiry. Recombinant strands represent constant evolution of the overall body of information. Documenting each position painstakingly and calculating the average set is a way to establish some groundwork for further investigation. Alignment of the parts in question is a level-setting procedure done in hopes of preventing errors and deviations in our prototype. You can see instructions to aligning this document throughout. Feel free to innovate on the alignment procedure.